fenómenos geológicos e hidrometeorológicos se rigen por leyes todavía
desconocidas en su mayor parte. Estos fenómenos afectan a la población
mundial ubicados en zonas de peligro sin considerar normas de
construcción ni las zonas afectables por inundaciones. Todos los países
con frontera con el Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico y los del Caribe,
padecemos de tiempo en tiempo, terremotos. Hemos elaborado un “Plan
Operativo anti Sísmico Protector de la Población” que describe las
funciones y acciones que debe desarrollar el gabinete de un gobierno
para atender y solucionar los efectos destructivos que un terremoto
cause a sus habitantes. Este Plan Operativo supone 12 centros desde
donde se girarían instrucciones, informes de avances, solicitudes de
cantidades y especies, suministros, (sangre, medicamentos), entre otros
primeras horas después de un terremoto de gran magnitud, son
cruciales. El tiempo y la preparación son decisivos para proporcionar
una atención aceptable a la población afectada. Eso hace indispensable
incluir la informática en el proceso, lo que automatizará el desarrollo
de las múltiples actividades que deben implementarse simultáneamente.
The geological and hydrometeorological phenomena are governed by laws still largely unknown. These phenomena affect the world population located in hazardous areas that did not consider considering building standards and flood affectable areas. All countries bordering the Pacific Ring of Fire and the Caribbean suffer from time to time, earthquakes. We have developed an "anti Seismic Operational Population Protector Plan" which describes the functions and actions to be developed by the city government to address and resolve the destructive effects that an earthquake will cause to citizens. This Operational Plan will be now embodied and supported by an on line software that will allow people to report damages, buildings affected, bridges collapsed, etc. At the same time, the autorities will be able to see in Google Maps the places affected, the help (volunteers, rescue elements, engineers, trucks, cranes...) sent, and the progress of the reaction to the emergency. Each site will have a cronological log (viewable via a browser), where the authorities and the people at large can see what is happening where, how progress is being achieved, and they can also add additional comments, pictures (taken from their mobile cell telephones or from their laptops or digital cameras).
The first hours after a major earthquake, are crucial. The time and preparation are critical to provide acceptable care to the affected population. That makes it essential to include the information in the process, which will automate the development of multiple activities to be implemented simultaneously.
The geological and hydrometeorological phenomena are governed by laws still largely unknown. These phenomena affect the world population located in hazardous areas that did not consider considering building standards and flood affectable areas. All countries bordering the Pacific Ring of Fire and the Caribbean suffer from time to time, earthquakes. We have developed an "anti Seismic Operational Population Protector Plan" which describes the functions and actions to be developed by the city government to address and resolve the destructive effects that an earthquake will cause to citizens. This Operational Plan will be now embodied and supported by an on line software that will allow people to report damages, buildings affected, bridges collapsed, etc. At the same time, the autorities will be able to see in Google Maps the places affected, the help (volunteers, rescue elements, engineers, trucks, cranes...) sent, and the progress of the reaction to the emergency. Each site will have a cronological log (viewable via a browser), where the authorities and the people at large can see what is happening where, how progress is being achieved, and they can also add additional comments, pictures (taken from their mobile cell telephones or from their laptops or digital cameras).
The first hours after a major earthquake, are crucial. The time and preparation are critical to provide acceptable care to the affected population. That makes it essential to include the information in the process, which will automate the development of multiple activities to be implemented simultaneously.
construir el software RieSis, necesario para apoyar al Plan Operativo.
En general, RieSis proporcionará comunicaciones efectivas entre los doce
grupos de trabajo (Detección, Evaluación, Salvamento, Atención
Hospitalaria, Refugios Temporales, Restablecimiento, Seguridad Pública,
Adquisiciones de emergencia, Abasto (logística), Consejería Jurídica,
Administración, Comunicación Social), el personal en campo y los puestos
de mando secretariales (de las secretarías de gobierno), estatales,
municipales, y con los del ejército, además de salvaguardar y
administrar los datos sobre recursos, personas y daños, y llevar control
del flujo de la atención al siniestro. RieSis estará localizado en un
Centro de Control, su diseño será distribuido (en varias plataformas
informáticas) para tener mayor comunicación con los grupos de trabajo e
informantes (incluyendo a los Coordinadores de Sitio), y para
redundancia. Los informantes (de daños, víctimas, rescatistas, grúas…),
incluyendo personas espontáneas ingresarán información vía Internet.
RieSis mostrará los sitios (y sus condiciones, estado, víctimas…)
afectados mediante una interfaz gráfica, accesible a cualquier persona
en Internet.
RieSis es un proyecto que hemos terminado y entregado (diciembre 2014) en el Centro de Investigación en Computación del IPN, auspiciados por el Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del DF (Ahora, Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del DF). RieSis is a finished project, built at the Centro de Investigación en Computación del IPN and sponsored by ICyTDF.
The image shows places with wounded people, as the result of a severe earthquake.
En la prensa nacional:
"Construyen en el CIC-IPN software para ayudar a atender en una gran ciudad los efectos de un sismo desastroso". GACETA IPN, 24 feb. 2012."Trece mil cámaras nos vigilan" Mi nota en La Crónica, 15 feb. 2012.
"Cámaras del bunker revisan en 5 minutos el DF, tras sismo". El Universal, 13 dic. 2011.Revisión manual de las cámaras.
"Conoce el búnker más grande de América Latina". El Universal, 15 de marzo de 2012.
"Software para apoyar la atención a una contingencia sísmica severa" Mi nota en La Crónica, 4 de mayo de 2011.
Videos sobre RieSis:
Para ver una entrevista sobre RieSis (4min, 30jul2015), pulse aquí.Un video más largo (34min, 2014) sobre RieSis: pulse aquí.
Manuales sobre RieSis:
Manuel del usuario (16MB), pulse aquí. Manuel de referencia (20MB), pulse aquí.The image shows the initial log of "San Simon", a place in Mexico City that was damaged. A picture of the building partially collapsed was entered into RieSis by a bystander using his digital camera. Later, the Site Coordinator (that coordinates the help at the site) arrived, and it has begun to register victims. One of them is Pedro Lopez, with his left arm broken. Pedro was given a brazalet with bar code, for easy identification, and his picture was taken and entered into the blog, so that his relatives or friends can see his status and location.
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